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Showing posts from January, 2021

Everyone needs a hug

Card Box

I am very busy at work at the minute. I am busy administering covid19 vaccinations. I don't seem to have much time to do any crafting at the minute. The other day somebody asked me to take some cards into work. I made this little basket of cards. Quite a selection. The box is now sitting on the table in the coffee room. A few people have looked through them, so I am hoping for some sales soon.

New Shop

I have set up a new shop in the Baphomart Market Place. As the name would suggest it is an alternative market place.Music: Words Musician: Jason Shaw URL: At the minute it is running alongside my etsy shop. Im not sure if I will keep them both going. Im just going to wait and see how successful it is.

Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a fab Christmas and New Year. It was a strange holiday season this year due to covid19 restrictions. We are now in the UK Tier 4. This means we can only leave home for essential work and emergencies. Both Dave and I are still at work. Me because I am a nurse and Dave because he is a lorry driver. On Christmas day we visited my mother and Daves parents. Because of the restrictions we weren't able to stay long which was quite sad. No Christmas kisses or hugs. Really all we could do was exchange gifts and leave. I hope you managed to visit your loved ones. I am starting 2021 in a very possitive way. One of my Memory Books was chosen as the January Cover Star in the Debbi Moore Facebook Group. I am feeling extremely proud of this. I have a lot of Debbi's papercraft CDroms, but I particularly love the goth ones. This Memory Book is for sale in my Etsy shop here I hope you are all looking forward to a wonderful and crafty 2021. I know i am and I would