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Showing posts from January, 2023


Just a quick post to let you know that I have covid19. I'm feeling quite poorly at the minute, but will be back with you as soon as I am feeling up to it.

Let's Get Knitting

    I have not done any Knitting for a while, mainly I think because I was so overweight nothing fitted me. 2023 is going to be the year I change that.     I am starting with this pretty jumper.      It's a free pattern I found on the Internet. I have bought some double knitting yarn in a pretty purple colour and made a start today.     I am knitting the jumper in the size I eventually want to be. Hopefully that will give me the incentive to get rid of the excess pounds. I'll keep you up yo date with how it is going.     I need to look in my pattern box to see what I am going yo tackle next.                    Until Next Time                     Happy Crafting 

New Year, New Me

    I haven't been around much lately.  Despite having had my flu vaccination I managed to get a really nasty dose leading up to Chritmas. Of course the vaccination doesn't stop you getting flu, it just stops you being poorly. All I can say is I'm glad I had my vaccination because I would have hated to be worse than I was 😞     2023 is the year I am determined yo turn my life around. I am hugely overweight which as you know is very bad. I'm going to lose all of my excess weight and get my life back on track. I 'm going to get weighed on Sunday so Mondays post will likely be about how well(or not so well) I have done this week. I have plans for the rest of my posts for the year, and I will tell you about them as I go along.                     Until Next Time                     Happy Crafting