I have been notably absent over the past couple of weeks. The reason is I have had a health Scare.
I returned from the MPC Gala in Edinburgh at the begining of May and developed a niggly pain in my right foot. I thought I had overdone it a bit at the Gala so didn't take much notice. However the pain got worse and eventually I had to go and see my Doctor. She thought I may have a stress fracture and sent me for an X Ray to check.
My X Ray showed a lesion on my toe joint that could not be identified. I was immediately referred to an Orthopaedic Oncologist. Then followed the worst two weeks of my life. As a nurse all of the worst case scenario's went through my head. Sometimes a little bit of k owledge is a bad thing. If I slept for 3 hours a night I was lucky. It was just hell.
On Friday I finally went for my appointment. I am hugely relieved to say the specialist is certain the lesion is benign. I have to go for an MRI scan but he has no concerns. I do have a fracture which is why my foot is hurting so much. I can live with that because I know it's going to get better.
Seriously I was so relieved I could have hugged him.
The trip home was much better than the trip to the hospital. I could not have managed the past weeks if it had not been for my rock, my husband Dave. I would have fallen apart if it were not for him. In the past weeks we have hugged each other and cried together. I am happy to say we are now back to laughing together.
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