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Showing posts from April, 2023

Craft at Home With Allyson

I have set up a new YouTube channel. It's called Craft at Home With Allyson. There isn't very much on it at the minute but I am planning on changing that soon. I'm going to put all of my tutorials on there in future. I may put some product reviews, and Craft hauls on as well. Anything that may interest a crafty person like myself. If you would like to take a look just click here  Craft at Home With Allyson  to go straight there. Please subscribe and then you will find out everytime I post a new video. I look forward to your company.

Egyptian Memory Book

I have made my first Memory Book in a while. You know I love all things Egyptian. I made the album using a Pink Frog Kit. As well as the standard page fold I used some 8x8 card folds to make fiffetent pages. I decorated the album with an assortment of papers and toppers I had in my stash. I also used some papers printed from some of the digital collections I own. If you would like yo see a video walk through of this album click here Egyptian Memory Book  to view it on my new YouTube channel 

Click Pins.

   While I have been out of action I have done a bit of knitting. It's all I could be bothered to do. I love purple, but you probably already know that. I'm trying to lose weight so I thought I should get knitting so I have something to wear. We are going to Verona for a week in May. I made this cardigan in case it gets cooler in the evening when we go out. I made it in grey so I wpuld still wear it when we get home again. I have been looking for a pattern like this for a long time. It's knitted in a mesh stitch so quite transparent. Luckily I have a few coloured vest tops that I can wear underneath it. I have another top on the needles at the minute but it's not finished so you will have to wait yo see that one. Until Next Time Happy Crafting

My Weight Loss Journey

I have quite bad arthritis in both of my knees. The extra weight I am carrying about is not helping them at all. Its time I took action and got rid of the extra pounds. I am going to do this by simple calorie counting. At present I cant afford a Slimming group, but I know if I am in the right place mentally I can do this, I have done it before.   We get a Wonky vegetable box delivered every week so I am going to be cooking healthy low calorie food using the items in the box. I have all of the Pinch of Nom, Slimming Eats, Slimming Foodie, and Sugar Pink Foods cookbooks so I will have plenty of choice.     My food is planned out for the next week, and I will be recording everything on my Samsung Health App. It always helps me to record everything.     I got of to a good start as I have lost 2lbs this week. Fingers crossed I can keep it up.          

I'm Back

    As you know I had covid at the begining of the year. Although at the time I only experienced heavy cold like symptoms the aftereffects have not been so good. I suffered extreme fatigue and am only now starting to feel a bit better. I still get tired easily but I am getting better.     Of course my crafting took a bit of a hit. I've not done very much at all. Now I am feeling better I intend to change that. I'm getting back into the swing of things and will be making regular posts again.     I hope you will join me on the next step of my crafting journey.                       Until Next Time                       Happy Crafting