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Two Red Robins Magazine - Issue 3

While I was away in Italy issue 2 of the Two Red Robins Magazine was released on Create and Craft. I have no idea how much it cost on Create and Craft, but it was on the Highlight Crafts website for £14.99. Because I am a member of the Highlight Craft Club I got it gor £12.99 with free postage. The free cover die this month is a hydrangea and it comes with two sheets of charisma, backing papers and scene sheets. You can download further copies from the Highlight website. Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers, I have two huge ones in my garden, so this die is going to be very useful to me. The magazine has some projects using the cover die. Great for anyone looking for inspiration, but especially usefull for somebody just starting on a crafty journey There are also some projects using other Two Red Robin Die Sets. There are also projects using a mixture of dies from different collections.  I like to see projects like this, they are a great source of inspiration, but im sure you can
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