I've had my SDX1200 for about a moth now, used it a lot and now my mats have no sticky left. As I am going to retack it anyway I thpught I would show you how I do it. You might have seen a few different ways to retack your mat, and none of them are wrong, this is just the way I do it. Please forgive the disgusting state of my work mat. It's very well *loved* 😆 First of all I took one of my old cm900 mats which I used as a template. I carefully cut the middle cutting area out, making sure I left the measuring guide along the sided. I cut a hole in the middle with my craft knife and then carefully cut the test of it put using a pair of scissors, but you can do it whichever way you find easiest. I then placed the old mat over the top of my new mat as shown. I held it in place with a couple of pieces of low tack tape because I didnt want the template to move while I was spreading the glue. Mel Heaton says you don't have to use much glue, but I never find the tiny amount she us...