Since I was a child I have been obsessed with Ancient Egypt. I remember visiting the Tutankhamen Exhibition at the British Museum in 1972. The image of his Golden Death Mask will never leave me.
For some reason I have a strange affinity for Anubis the Egyptian God of The Dead. He gets some bad publicity. None of it deserved in my opinion.
Imagine my delight when I saw a collection of Zuri Moulds on Create and Craft.
The star of the show for me wete these two moulds featuring the God Anubis.
Next up was Bast the beautiful Cat Goddess. I fully understand why cats wete worshipped as God's in Egypt.
The final two moulds sealed the deal for me. Before I knew it they had all jumped into my basket. I'm pleased to say they arrived today and my head us buzzing with ideas about what I am going to make.
I have an idea of what my first make will be so check back next week to find out what it is.
Until next time
Happy Crafting
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